How Long Can The Brain Survive Without Oxygen?

Everyone knows that we need oxygen to live, but do you really know how long the human body can survive without oxygen? One of the biggest unanswered questions in the medical community is how long the human body can endure without oxygen. Because of our reliance on oxygen as a source of nourishment, without it we will quickly become weak and sick. Our brains actually require an amount of oxygen during the day that can be described as 'quality sleep'. Without sufficient sleep we become extremely tired and our brain function less accurately.

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how long can the brain survive without oxygen


During the night (when we are asleep) the brain is able to receive an amount of oxygen that it requires to keep performing at an optimum level. Throughout the night as well as during the day, the brain continuously pumps oxygen rich blood to all parts of the body through a blood clot known as a capillar wall. The brain needs this blood in order to make red blood cells and chemicals needed for brain function, such as neurotransmitters. If the brain cannot produce enough red blood cells, there will be reduced oxygen supply to all parts of the brain.


Brain stem injuries, also called ischemic strokes, are one of the most common causes of hypoxic brain injuries. These types of strokes occur when blood flow to the brain is reduced, resulting in ischemia. Ischemia is the reduction of oxygen supply to the brain brought about by decreased blood flow in the brain caused by a blood clot (ischemic stroke). Both of these conditions are potentially fatal if not treated in time. It is very important that if you or someone you love is suffering from either of these conditions that you seek medical attention as soon as possible.

How Long Can the Brain Survive Without Oxygen?


Another cause of hypoxia is brain tumor. If a brain tumor (cortical tumor) is left unchecked, it can slowly kill off brain cells over time. This can even happen with people who are suffering from a stroke or other type of severe brain damage. It is unknown if the brain will regain its normal function if the person is not treated for this condition.

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Another type of condition that can cause brain damage and loss of consciousness is anoxia. Anoxia, which is also known as oxygen deprivation, happens when there is less oxygen than needed to operate normally within the body. People suffering from anorexia often complain of a headache, nausea, fatigue and tingling sensations. People who suffer from anorexia are often unaware that they are suffering from anorexia, because they do not have symptoms that would indicate their brain is working excessively hard to process oxygen.

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A more rare type of brain injury is cerebral hypoxia, or anoxic brain injury. Cerebral hypoxia can occur when the brain receives too little oxygen. If the amount of oxygen is insufficient, it can cause brain cells to death or irreversibly damage them. This condition has a very high morbidity rate, making it one of the leading causes of death among children and young adults.


There are several ways to treat cerebral hypoxia, depending on the severity of the condition. One way is to increase the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the brain through the use of oxygen-rich blood-pumping therapies. The effects of cerebral hypoxia can actually worsen if there is no treatment. As such, the best thing to do in order to prevent the possibility of brain damage is to take preventative measures. These include maintaining a stable body weight and quitting smoking, both of which are associated with poor circulatory systems and consequently poor circulation of oxygen-rich blood.


Preventing oxygen deprivation is easier said than done. However, if you have a family history of brain disorders including mental retardation, or if you have been smoking, you should consider quitting as soon as possible. You should also take regular vitamin and heart diet supplements to ensure that sufficient levels of oxygen are supplied to your brain. In severe cases of hypoxia, blood transfusions might be required, particularly if the oxygen supply to the brain is severely reduced.

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